Unique mid-power model rockets that are easy to build and fun to fly

Advanced rockets that are easy to build, fun to fly and look great on display
In 1984, NCR basically invented the class of rockets known today as mid-power rockets.
You can take advantage of designs developed by a world-class and national champion rocketeer over the past 30 years for your own enjoyment.

about us
Hi, I'm Matt Steele, and I am very proud to present North Coast Rocketry to you!
When you see a North Coast Rocketry model fly, you will encounter an absolute treat of sight, sound, and performance. Rocketry will never be the same!
North Coast Rocketry was founded in 1984 in northeast Ohio (America's North Coast) on the premise that rockets larger than Estes "D" types could be far more fun and interesting to build and fly.
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